History – project zero circle

Project Zero Circle (2013) developed out of the work of the Austin Eurythmy Ensemble in Austin, USA. The Austin Eurythmy Ensemble was founded in 1996. As a performing eurythmy troupe they have initiated incredibly satisfying performance work, whirlwind tours, amazing professional and artistic collaboration as well as important alliances and relationships.

Over the course of years, the ensemble was growing on many different levels from their beginnings as a 4-member troupe moving from Spring Valley, New York, to Austin, Texas, into a mature troupe of professional artists complete with a devoted Circle of Friends and deeply satisfying professional relationships. 

Having been granted the unique position of artists-in-residence upon their arrival in the US, Markus and Andrea Weder have been able to continue their work as professional eurythmists while at the same time enjoying the inspiring and challenging work of teaching eurythmy at the Austin Waldorf School (1996 - 2007). Providing the school with consistent, high quality eurythmy instruction, which resulted in programs such
as the Austin Youth Eurythmy Troupe (1999 - 2007), an extra-curricular high school troupe, and the first ever International High School Eurythmy Festival in the US (2004). All this is stemming from, and nurturing a particular passion of the eurythmists to work intensely with youth. 

Since their inception, the group has produced and performed over six different evening programs and numerous othe projects and children’s programs, traveling across the U.S., Canada and Europe in at least eleven extensive performance tours.  Much to their delight, audiences have been very receptive, and generous with praise, commenting on the depth, eloquence, sophistication, precision and quality of cohesion that the ensemble brought to the stage.

The ensemble has always pursued many opportunities to further develop the presence of eurythmy in the world.  Along those lines, one of the most important manifestations has been the Summer Eurythmy Academy (2003 - 2007 in the US, Brazil, South Africa and Switzerland).  In these recurring month-long intensives, graduates of Waldorf education could more fully explore the art of eurythmy as it relates not only to performance work, but also to self-development. The momentum of this work inspired the initiation of a new professional eurythmy training. 

The im-pulse.eurythmy, International Eurythmy Studies was inaugurated in 2008. It is a completely new approach to a professional eurythmy training on the college level. In addition to Austin, TX, the home base of the training, students travelled to campuses in Dornach, Switzerland and Sao Paolo, Brazil. The first course (2008 - 2011) was specially tailored to the needs of Waldorf School Alumni from the U.S., Brazil and Switzerland with prior extensive experience in eurythmy. This three year long, full-time course was recognized by the Section for Eurythmy, Speech, Drama and Music at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, the worldwide center of the Eurythmy movement.

In another effort to bring eurythmy to more visibility, the ensemble has branched out into the public sphere with workshops, lecture/demonstrations, and public performances at local venues such as theaters and museums.  With the new PROJECT ZERO CIRCLE – BEGINNINGS more of such work is envisioned. 

With the inception of PROJECT ZERO CIRCLE and their relocation to Switzerland an intensification of the project’s initiatives and activities is envisioned. 

As they will continue performing, teaching and mentoring youth, the artists remain devoted to bringing eurythmy ever more fully into human consciousness.